Starry Heavens 頭頂繁星
Archive, bottle, sic, bacteria 檔案、玻璃瓶、鑽髓結晶、菌種
21 x 9 x 9cm(99件)21 x 9 x 9cm x 99 pieces
Jhouyu HSIEH
2016, Infinity Archives, Jhouyu Solo Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.
Drawing on the concept of repetition/simulacral, this exhibition explores the hyperreal sites of consumption of postmodern society. Simulation have become prepared realities and the imaginary of fictions. Depicting things that have no clear element from original, these copies keep repeating and multiplying. As Baudrillard says, we are used to living in a world dominated by experience and stimulation. Contemporary culture is replete with simulation, which threatens to eliminate the distinction between truth and reality, so that people lose the ability of understanding truth. The “Simulation” is no longer just repetition. Instead, the signs of reality have replaced reality itself. With fetishism and desire, the abstract meaning of signs disappears. For me, the more something is repeated, the less residual meaning it will have, simulation prevents the generation of meaning and influence. Thus, with the liberation of desire in the modern consumer society, people feel increasingly indifferent and empty.In this seemingly pluralistic world of consumption, man’s desire has become an unchanging rule. The black hole of desire translates into rapid consumption. Man’s imagination of a “better life” is measured solely by money, which becomes the only universal value in modern life. No other age has attached more importance to money than today. As such, human existence is framed by consumption and money.
Archive, bottle, sic, bacteria 檔案、玻璃瓶、鑽髓結晶、菌種
21 x 9 x 9cm(99件)21 x 9 x 9cm x 99 pieces
Jhouyu HSIEH
2016, Infinity Archives, Jhouyu Solo Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.
Drawing on the concept of repetition/simulacral, this exhibition explores the hyperreal sites of consumption of postmodern society. Simulation have become prepared realities and the imaginary of fictions. Depicting things that have no clear element from original, these copies keep repeating and multiplying. As Baudrillard says, we are used to living in a world dominated by experience and stimulation. Contemporary culture is replete with simulation, which threatens to eliminate the distinction between truth and reality, so that people lose the ability of understanding truth. The “Simulation” is no longer just repetition. Instead, the signs of reality have replaced reality itself. With fetishism and desire, the abstract meaning of signs disappears. For me, the more something is repeated, the less residual meaning it will have, simulation prevents the generation of meaning and influence. Thus, with the liberation of desire in the modern consumer society, people feel increasingly indifferent and empty.In this seemingly pluralistic world of consumption, man’s desire has become an unchanging rule. The black hole of desire translates into rapid consumption. Man’s imagination of a “better life” is measured solely by money, which becomes the only universal value in modern life. No other age has attached more importance to money than today. As such, human existence is framed by consumption and money.
