Archive, bottle, sic, bacteria檔案、玻璃瓶、鑽髓結晶、菌種
21 x 9 x 9cm x 99 pieces
as long as running river... 像流水,若親像天頂一粒星啊
Performance 行為錄像裝置
布料、繩索 Fabric, rope
80x150cm x (12 pieces)
Patterns of Extinct Life I - What a Wonderful Lizard Island
Line drawing on wall, Print, Mix-media installation, Video 1’52” (Loop), Three channels sound
Patterns of Extinct Life III - The Classic of Tilapia-eating monster
Performance, Print, Mix-media installation, Video
Patterns of Extinct Life V - Multispecies realities
行為錄像裝置 Performance video installation
Draw on Paper, resin, plastic
行為 Performance
Editing part of me, and some unspeakable state. 編輯某一部分的自己、某種難以言明的狀態
Video, mixed-media installation, text 錄像、裝置以及文本
Draw on Paper
Archive, 2-channel video installation, fog
檔案、現成物 Archive, readymade
Archive, performance, readymade
行為、錄像、檔案 Performance, video, archive
Empty archive, archival inject print, pen
Electronic components and program, signal
透明紙、墨水、無酸數位輸出、壓克力、霓虹 PP, ink, archival inject print, acrylic, neon
Fabric, Thread
I don’t know how to do it. 我不知道該如何
Cigarette, acrylic, oil, resin 香菸、壓克力、油、樹脂