
Starry Heavens 頭頂繁星  

Archive, bottle, sic, bacteria檔案、玻璃瓶、鑽髓結晶、菌種 

21 x 9 x 9cm x 99 pieces

as long as running river... 像流水,若親像天頂一粒星啊

Performance 行為錄像裝置


布料、繩索 Fabric, rope

80x150cm x (12 pieces)

Performance 行為錄像裝置

Patterns of Extinct Life I - What a Wonderful Lizard Island


Line drawing on wall, Print, Mix-media installation, Video 1’52” (Loop), Three channels sound

Wandering practice

Draw on Paper, resin, plastic

Production Line_Sketch

Draw on Paper

幽靈竄動  Gespenst

Archive, 2-channel video installation, fog

資本計畫 Capital Project

檔案、現成物 Archive, readymade

機構測量 Measuring Institution

Archive, performance, readymade

輪迴的縫隙 Karma-Gap

行為、錄像、檔案 Performance, video, archive

無限的清單  The Infinity of Lists

Empty archive, archival inject print, pen

R: Without You, I’m Nothing.

Electronic components and program, signal

以錢換錢 Making Money

透明紙、墨水、無酸數位輸出、壓克力、霓虹 PP, ink, archival inject print, acrylic, neon

Missing 1000 Rupees

Fabric, Thread

I don’t know how to do it. 我不知道該如何

Cigarette, acrylic, oil, resin 香菸、壓克力、油、樹脂